F.L.Y Health Solutions
3 min readOct 21, 2022


Body Types

When it comes to working out and eating healthy there a few things we must take into account that no one really ever talks about, and that is body type. Body type can be defined as the human body composition which is influenced by metabolism, muscle mass, fat mass and bone structure. Did you know there are 3 different body types, and with each body type there are specific needs that are required in order to ensure optimal health. Since the body is an illusion it can be manipulated to look however one pleases. Exercise and a balanced diet can help to modify the physical appearance, somatotype, but it will not change genetics. Therefore if you stop eating healthy and engaging in physical activity you may return back to your original body type.

The 3 body types

Body types are classified in accordance to their characteristics


An ectomorph is the leanest and thinnest of all the body types. Those with this body composition tend to have long extremities, narrow shoulders and fast metabolisms. Most ectomorphs can be classified as taller than average, lower body fat percentages and ectomorph women usually have narrower hips and smaller breasts. This body type can lose weight very quickly however as a result they have a hard time building muscle.

In order to build the muscle that they lack, it is recommended to increase calorie intake (approximately by 300–500) and introduce a high protein diet. This can be done by eating around 6 times a day approximately every 3 hours.

The best exercises for an ectomorph would be compound exercises and minimal cardio, stay away from isolated movements since they do not provide enough stimulus for muscle growth. Compound exercises include: squats, shoulder presses, deadlifts, pull ups, push ups & bench presses. These exercises not only keep multiple muscle groups engaged at once, but also produce the necessary hormones for muscle growth.


The mesomorph is generally lean and muscular, even without engaging in physical activity. Those who possess these body types have lower abdominal fat, longer torsos and smaller waists. Like the ectomorph, they too have fast metabolisms however building muscle is not an issue. Mesomorphs are not restricted to a certain diet in order lose weight or gain muscle, but a balanced whole food diet is recommended in order to prevent putting on unwanted body fat.

In order for this body type to lean out and prevent fat buildup they should engage in cardio sessions at least 3–5 times per week for 30–45 mins. Alongside steady state cardio exercises like running, swimming, cycling they can also try HIIT training sessions such as jump-roping, burpees, jump squats, high knees & mountain climbers.


The Endomorph body type typically has a higher body fat percentage, shorter frame and wider stature; women are usually on the curvier side with a pear shape. Endomorphs can put on muscle mass easily however have a hard time with weight loss and slower metabolisms. Ideal nutrition for this body type would be a low calorie diet, but to prioritize proteins to help build muscle. Low carb diets are also a good option to help to ward of hunger for longer periods of time, as well as the reduction of fatty foods.

In order to aid in the reduction of fat, an endomorph should engage in longer amounts of cardio (4–5 times per week), and higher repetition weight lifting. This will in return create lean muscle mass.

No matter what body type you possess with proper nutrition and exercise you can modify it to look exactly how you want, and in return can always become a better of yourself. If you enjoyed this article and would like more advice on topics like these, please follow us here on Medium & remember to Forever Love Yourself!



F.L.Y Health Solutions

F.L.Y. = FOREVER LOVE YOURSELF: Striving to educate others on how to become the best version of themselves through health, fitness and a positive mindset.